Australia 1984 Complete Year Book


The Collection of 1984 Australians Stamps Issued From The Australia Post Office – mint

Availability: 1 in stock

The Collection of 1984 Australians Stamps Issued From The Australia Post Office – mint


Full year issued Stamps included:


Australia Day

Designer: Jon Quinn – Printer: Cambec Press

This stamp was issued on 26 January in all states except the Northern Territory, where it was released on 27 January (the 26th being a holiday), the design shows Cook’s Cottage, which stands in Melbourne’s Fitzroy Gardens.

Issued 26 January with perforation 13¼ x 13¾

665-1-1 30c Cook’s Cottage



50th Anniversary of 1st Official Airmail

Australia/New Zealand – Australia/Papua New Guinea

Designer: Graham Black – Printer: Cambec Press

This release commemorates the first official airmail between Australia & New Zealand on 17 February, 1934, and between Australia & Papua New Guinea on 24 July, 1934, the two 45c stamps are identical apart from colour & the envelopes used as the first day covers, one being sent from New Zealand , the other being sent from Papua New Guinea, the original flights were completed by Charles Thomas Phillipe Ulm, who’s portrait appears on both stamps.

Issued 22 February with perforation 13½ x 13¼

666-1-1 45c Australia to New Zealand Airmail;

667-1-1 45c Australia to Papua New Guinea Airmail;

666-1-1_667-1-1 SS Se-tenant Pair



Frama Labels Barred Edge

Issue 1, Part 1

Vending Machine Issue

Designer: Harry Williamson – Printer: Leigh-Mardon Pty. Ltd.

The Frama machines were produced by FRAMA AG of Switzerland, the machines were initially trialled at the main GPO in each state (except Darwin), Sydney (2000), Canberra (2601), Melbourne (3000), Brisbane (4000), Adelaide (5000), Perth (6000), & Hobart (7000), values from 1c to $20.00 were able to be produced, the design for this first label was a series of diagonal bars or lines dark blue, dark red on the left & light blue, light red on the right side.

There have been a number of issues of Frama Labels:

Issue 1, Part 1, February, 1984 (below); Issue 1, Part 2, March, 1984 (next issue below); Issue 1, Part 3, March, 1985;

Issue 2, October, 1985;

Issue 3, Part 1, August, 1986; overprinted CUP-PEX ’87, January, 1987;

Issue 3, Part 2, July, 1987;

Issue 4, Part 1, September, 1987; overprinted AEROPEX ’88, April, 1988;

Issue 4, Part 2, June, 1988; overprinted SYDPEX ’88, July, 1988;

Issue 5, September, 1988;

Issue 6, September, 1989; overprinted ESSEN Stamp Fair, Germany, April, 1990;

Issue 7, September, 1990; overprinted NORPEX ’91, October, 1991;

Issue 8, January, 1992;

overprinted NATIONAL ’92 for the Brisbane National Stamp Show, June, 1992;

overprinted PEELPEX ’92, Tamworth, September, 1992; overprinted QLD ’93 for the Queensland Stamp & Coin Show, June, 1993;

overprinted WAPEX ’93 for the National Gold Centenary Stamp Exhibition, September, 1993;

overprinted DINO ’93 for the Queensland ASDA Stamp & Coin Show, October, 1993; overprinted FAMILY ’94, June, 1994;

Issue 9, September, 1994; overprinted ZOOS ’94 October, 1994, overprinted AEROPEX ’94 November, 1994;

overprinted CINEMA ’95, June, 1995; overprinted DOWNUNDER ’95, October, 1995;

Issue 10, June, 1996; overprinted Olympics ’96 1996; overprinted Dolls & Bears, June, 1997;

overprinted ANDA SA Orchid, August, 1998; overprinted ANDA SA Leunig -Jolly Roger, August, 1998

Issue 11, October 1999; overprinted AUSTRALIA ’99, March, 1999;

Issue 12, Farewell Frama, January, 2003.

Below four different examples of the Sydney Frama are shown, one with each State as listed and three below them, the last being for 1c only.

Issued 22 February with perforation Imperforate

668-1-1 30c Sydney 2000 Postcode, withdrawn on 22 October, 1985;

668-1-2 30c Canberra 2601 Postcode, withdrawn on 22 October, 1985;

668-1-3 30c Melbourne 3000 Postcode, withdrawn on 22 October, 1985;

668-1-4 30c Brisbane 4000 Postcode, withdrawn on 22 October, 1985;

668-1-5 30c Adelaide 5000 Postcode, withdrawn on 22 October, 1985;

668-1-6 30c Perth 6000 Postcode, withdrawn on 22 October, 1985;

668-1-7 30c Hobart 7000 Postcode, withdrawn on 22 October, 1985

668-1-1 30c Sydney 2000 Postcode, withdrawn on 22 October, 1985;

668-1-1 30c Sydney 2000 Postcode, withdrawn on 22 October, 1985;

668-1-1a 1c Sydney 2000 Postcode, withdrawn on 22 October, 1985



Frama Labels Barred Edge

Issue 1, Part 2

Vending Machine Issue

Designer: Harry Williamson – Printer: Leigh-Mardon Pty. Ltd.

After the initial trial of these labels at the main GPO in each state, machines were placed in the Darwin GPO (5790) & other post offices (no postcode) in March, values from 1c to $20.00 were able to be produced, the design for the first label was a series of diagonal bars or lines dark blue, dark red on the left & light blue, light red on the right side, the two Frama label’s covering this issue are below.

There have been a number of issues of Frama Labels:

Issue 1, Part 1, February, 1984 (one issue up); Issue 1, Part 2, March, 1984 (below); Issue 1, Part 3, March, 1985;

Issue 2, October, 1985;

Issue 3, Part 1, August, 1986; overprinted CUP-PEX ’87, January, 1987;

Issue 3, Part 2, July, 1987;

Issue 4, Part 1, September, 1987; overprinted AEROPEX ’88, April, 1988;

Issue 4, Part 2, June, 1988; overprinted SYDPEX ’88, July, 1988;

Issue 5, September, 1988;

Issue 6, September, 1989; overprinted ESSEN Stamp Fair, Germany, April, 1990;

Issue 7, September, 1990; overprinted NORPEX ’91, October, 1991;

Issue 8, January, 1992;

overprinted NATIONAL ’92 for the Brisbane National Stamp Show, June, 1992;

overprinted PEELPEX ’92, Tamworth, September, 1992; overprinted QLD ’93 for the Queensland Stamp & Coin Show, June, 1993;

overprinted WAPEX ’93 for the National Gold Centenary Stamp Exhibition, September, 1993;

overprinted DINO ’93 for the Queensland ASDA Stamp & Coin Show, October, 1993; overprinted FAMILY ’94, June, 1994;

Issue 9, September, 1994; overprinted ZOOS ’94 October, 1994, overprinted AEROPEX ’94 November, 1994;

overprinted CINEMA ’95, June, 1995; overprinted DOWNUNDER ’95, October, 1995;

Issue 10, June, 1996; overprinted Olympics ’96 1996; overprinted Dolls & Bears, June, 1997;

overprinted ANDA SA Orchid, August, 1998; overprinted ANDA SA Leunig -Jolly Roger, August, 1998

Issue 11, October 1999; overprinted AUSTRALIA ’99, March, 1999;

Issue 12, Farewell Frama, January, 2003.

I do not have a copy of either of these labels.

Issued March with perforation Imperforate

669-1-1 30c Darwin 5790 Postcode, withdrawn on 22 October, 1985;

669-1-2 30c No Postcode, withdrawn on 22 October, 1985



Veteran & Vintage Cars

Designer: Alan Puckett – Typographer: Jon Quinn – Printer: Leigh-Mardon Pty. Ltd.

In this issue any vehicles produced before 1918 are listed as veteran, while the remaining three are vintage cars, the designs are, the 1898 Thomson, approximately ten were built, between 1896 & 1901, the one surviving Thompson stands in the Museum of Victoria; the 1906 Tarrant, a range of Tarrant’s were built between 1901 & 1907, the one listed is the 1906 model, (again the only surviving car); the 1919 Australian Six, a large number of this car was produced between 1919 & 1924; the 1923 Summit, four of these vehicles were produced between 1922 & 1926, the model shown is the 1923 model which is on display at the Birdwood Mill Museum in South Australia in it’s original, unrestored condition & the 1924 Chic, about fifty of these cars were produced between 1923 & 1929.

Issued 14 March with perforation 14½

670-1-1 30c 1898 Thompson;

671-1-1 30c 1906 Tarrant;

672-1-1 30c 1919 Australian Six;

673-1-1 30c 1923 Summit;

674-1-1 30c 1924 Chic



Australian Paintings Definitive

Issue 5

Designers: Australia Post Graphic Design – Printer: Leigh-Mardon Pty. Ltd.

This is the fifth issue in this series, this design is of an 1888 painting called “A Holiday at Mentone” by Charles Condor, a SPECIMEN stamp was also released, this issue replaces the “McMahon’s Point” $5 stamp, issued March 1979, there are a number of releases of Australian Paintings; Issue 1, April, 1974; Issue 2, October, 1977; Issue 3, March, 1979; Issue 4, June, 1981; Issue 5, April, 1984 (below).

The $5 Specimen below was released sometime during 1987.

Issued 4 April with perforation 14¾

675-1-1 $5 A Holiday at Mentone;

675-1-1 SPEC $5 Overprinted SPECIMEN



Birthday of Queen Elizabeth II

Designer: Bruce Weatherhead – Printer: Leigh-Mardon Pty. Ltd.

This issue was released to celebrate the 58th birthday of Her Majesty the Queen, the design shows a sideface shot of Queen Elizabeth II, the design was based on a photograph supplied to Australia Post by the Central Office of Information, London, the photograph was taken during Her Majesties recent visit to Canada.

Issued 18 April with perforation 14½

676-1-1 30c Queen Elizabeth II



Clipper Ships

Designer: Jack Earl – Printer: Cambec Press

Clippers were the classic type of sailing ship during the 19th century, carrying three masts these ships were highly regarded for their speed & beauty, the designs are; 30c Cutty Sark; 45c Orient; 75c Sobraon & the 85c Thermopylae.

Issued 23 May with perforation 13¼ x 13¾

677-1-1 30c Cutty Sark;

678-1-1 45c Orient;

679-1-1 75c Sobraon;

680-1-1 85c Thermopylae



Skiing in Australia

Designer: as listed below – Printer: Leigh-Mardon Pty. Ltd.

This issue was the work of two designers; Brian Clinton, for Slalom & Freestyle and John Richards, for Nordic & Downhill Racer, skiing in Australia was first recorded in 1861 near Kiandra, when a group of Norwegian Gold Diggers strapped fence paling’s to their feet and set off across the snow covered slopes.

Issued 6 June with perforation 14½

681-1-1 30c Slalom;

682-1-1 30c Nordic;

683-1-1 30c Downhill Racer;

684-1-1 30c Freestyle



Marine Life Definitives

Issue 1

Designers: Gavin Ryan – Typographer: Ron Fletcher – Printers: 30c, Leigh-Mardon Pty. Ltd.,; others, Cambec Press

Australia hosts a very diverse range of marine Life, this issue shows, 2c, Coral Hopper (Waldeckia sp.); 25c, Orange-tipped Cowrie (Crenavolva renovate); 30c, Choat’s Wrasse (Macropharyngodon choati); 50c, Blue-lined Surgeonfish (Acanthurus lineatus); 55c, Bennett’s Nudibranch (Hypeselodoris bennetti); 85c, Regal Angelfish (Pygoplites diacanthus).  There have been a number of marine life issues, Issue 1, June, 1984 (below); Issue 2, Part 1, March, 1985; Issue 2, Part 2, June, 1985; Issue 3, June, 1986.

Issued 18 June with perforation as below

685-1-1 2c Coral Hopper, perforation 13¼ x 13½;

686-1-1 25c Orange-tipped Cowrie, perforation 13¼ x 13½;

687-1-1 30c Choat’s Wrasse, perforation 14 x 14½;

688-1-1 50c Blue-lined Surgeonfish, perforation 13¼ x 13½;

689-1-1 55c Bennett’s Nudibranch, perforation 13¼ x 13½;

690-1-1 85c Regal Angelfish, perforation 13¼ x 13½



Olympic Games, Los Angeles

Designers: Otto Schmidinger & Christine Stead – Printer: Cambec Press – Design Concept: Don Goodwin

This set of games stamps attempts to illustrate (in stylised form) the emotions experienced by Olympic competitors, this is achieved by illustrating before the event, during the event & after the event, scenes.

Issued 25 July with perforation as below

691-1-1 30c Pre-Start, perforation 13¼ x 13¾;

692-1-1 30c The Event, perforation 13¼ x 13¾;

693-1-1 30c Post Event, perforation 13¾ x 13¼




Designer: Ken Cato Design, Melbourne – Printer: Leigh-Mardon Pty. Ltd.

The Australian International Philatelic Exhibition, AUSIPEX 84, is the largest philatelic exhibition staged in Australia, it was also Australia’s first world stamp show, this issue shows the main stamp (the only stamp released separately) a stamp on stamp issue of one of the first Commonwealth stamps issued in 1913, the 1d Kangaroo & Map (see  1-2-1), the remainder of the stamps issued, were only produced in the miniature sheet, (21 September two issues down) one for each state, Victoria; New South Wales; Van Dieman’s Land (Tasmania); South Australia; Western Australia; Queensland & the one (shown here below) for the Commonwealth.

It would be impossible to tell the two stamps apart (this one 694-1-1 and 694-1-2 (below), except if this one was attached to another stamp or the other was part of a Miniature Sheet, since for all intents the stamps are the same.

Issued 22 August with perforation 14½

694-1-1 30c Stamp on Stamp 1d Kangaroo



Christmas 1984

Part 1

Designer: Ken Cato Design Melbourne – Photographer: Michael Laurie – Printer: Cambec Press

This Christmas design is Part 1 (below) and has been taken from a stained glass window at St. Francis’ Church, Melbourne, Victoria, Part 2, issued October (two issues down).

Issued 17 September with perforation 13¾ x 13¼

701-1-1 40c Angelic Figure




World Philatelic Exhibition, Melbourne

21 to 30 September

Designer: Ken Cato Design, Melbourne – Printer: Leigh-Mardon Pty. Ltd.

The Australian International Philatelic Exhibition, AUSIPEX 84, is the largest philatelic exhibition staged in Australia, it was also Australia’s first world stamp show, the issue shows the miniature sheet issued for the event, 7 stamp on stamp designs, one for each state, Victoria; New South Wales; Van Dieman’s Land (Tasmania); South Australia; Western Australia; Queensland & the one for the Commonwealth (first issued 22 August, two issues up) using reproductions of stamps of the time.

(links for the Colonial stamps shown in each design will be set when they are listed in the catalogue)

It would be impossible to tell the two stamps apart (this first one 694-1-2 and 694-1-1 (above), except if this one was part of a Miniature Sheet or the other was attached to another stamp, since for all intents the stamps are the same.

Issued 21 September with perforation 14½

694-1-2 30c 1913 1d “Commonwealth” Kangaroo & Map, Miniature Sheet Stamp;

695-1-1 30c 1850 3d “Victorian” Half Length Queen Victoria, Miniature Sheet Stamp;

696-1-1 30c 1850 1d “New South Wales” Sydney View, Miniature Sheet Stamp;

697-1-1 30c 1853 1d “Van Dieman’s Land” Queen Victoria Right Sideface, Miniature Sheet Stamp;

698-1-1 30c 1855 1d “South Australian” Queen Victoria Left Sideface, Miniature Sheet Stamp;

699-1-1 30c 1854 1d ‘Western Australian” Black Swan, Miniature Sheet Stamp;

700-1-1 30c 1859 6d “Queensland” Chalon Head, Miniature Sheet Stamp

694-1-2_700-1-1 MS AUSPEX 84 Miniature Sheet



Christmas 1984

Part 2

Designer: Ken Cato Design – Photographer: Michael Laurie – Printer: Cambec Press

This release is Part 2 and these Christmas designs have been taken from stained glass windows (as was Part 1, issued 17 September, two issues up) the designs are the; 24c, “Angel and Child”, from Holy Trinity Church (known as the Garrison Church), Miller’s Point, Sydney, New South Wales; the 30c, “Veiled Virgin and Child”, is from St. Mary’s Catholic Church, Myers Street, Geelong, Victoria; the 50c, “Three Kings”, is from St. Mary’s Cathedral, Sydney, New South Wales & the 85c, “Madonna and Child” is from St. Bartholomew’s Church of England, Norwood, South Australia.

Issued 31 October with perforation 13¾ x 13¼

702-1-1 24c Angel and Child;

703-1-1 30c Veiled Virgin and Child;

704-1-1 50c Three Kings;

705-1-1 85c Madonna and Child



Australian Bicentennial

Issue 1

The First Australians

Designer: Elizabeth Innes, Australia Post Graphic Design – Printer: Leigh-Mardon Pty. Ltd. – Based on a design by: Dr. Bruce Radke, Reworked by: Don Goodwin

This is the first issue in the Australian Bicentennial series, the first stamp in the issue incorporates the bicentennial symbol, the remainder of the issues are rock paintings from New South Wales, Victoria, Queensland, Western Australia & the Northern Territory.  There are a number of bicentennial issues: Issue 1, November, 1984 (below); Issue 2, Part 1, April, 1985; Issue 2, Part 2, October, 1985; Issue 3, Part 1, March, 1986; Issue 3, Part 2, August, 1986; Issue 4, Part 1, May, 1987; Issue 4, Part 2, June, 1987; Issue 5, Part 1, August, 1987; Issue 5, Part 2, October, 1987; Issue 6, Part 1, January, 1988, Issue 6, Part 2, April, 1988, the gutter strip of the last issue was overprinted SYDPEX ’88 July, 1988, for the Sydney Exhibition.

Issued 7 November with perforation 14¼

706-1-1 30c Bicentennial Symbol;

707-1-1 30c Stick Figures – Cobar Region, New South Wales;

708-1-1 30c Bunjil’s Cave – Grampians, Western Australia;

709-1-1 30c Quirkan Gallery – Cape York, Queensland

710-1-1 30c Wandjina Spirit & Snake Babies, Gibb River, Kimberleys, Western Australia;

711-1-1 30c Rock Python, Gibb River, Kimberleys, Western Australia;

712-1-1 30c Silver Barramundi, Kakadu National Park, Alligator Rivers Area Northern Territory;

713-1-1 85c Rock Possum, Kakadu National Park, Alligator Rivers Area, Northern Territory



150th Anniversary of Victoria

Designer: Gary Emery – Printer: Leigh-Mardon Pty. Ltd.

This issue commemorates the founding of the first “official” settlement in Victoria at Portland by the Henty family, on the 19 November, 1834, the two designs were released in Se-tenant form, they show the Helmeted Honeyeater & Leadbeater’s Possum, both are only found in Victoria and are the state’s fauna emblems.

Issued 19 November with perforation 14½

714-1-1 30c Helmeted Honeyeater;

715-1-1 30c Leadbeater’s Possum;

714-1-1_715-1-1 SS Se-tenant Pair


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